Stay informed about new athlete trials with notifications and our free trial report.
By enabling alerted when athletes start a new trial, you'll be better equipped to nurture new customers in their first days with the team.
Below we'll cover:
- Enabling notifications for new athlete trials
- Accessing the Free Trials report
- Identifying new athletes
Enabling notifications for new athlete trials:
Under your Notification Settings there is a notification for "Athlete starts Marketplace free trial" and you'll have the option to enable both a push notification and email notifications.
Accessing the Free Trials report:
From the Marketplace Analytics section of your account there is now a Free Trials report.
This will show you the team the athlete signed up for, their name, email address, trial start date and trial status.
Identifying new athletes:
Notifications for new athletes or comments made by a new athlete will have New appended to their names so that you can more easily identify new members.
Related Resources:
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