Our goal here at TrainHeroic is to help you coach more athletes, BETTER.
Selling through the TrainHeroic Marketplace allows you to streamline the athlete sign-up process, with automated payment.
Marketplace is more than just a billing solution, and will help you scale by coaching more athletes in a Team setting, but isn't necessarily designed for billing personal training clients. Similarly, selling Programs through the Marketplace to your 1:1 clients will NOT provide you with feedback on their training sessions.
Invite 1:1 Athletes through the Platform:
We recommend purchasing a Coach Plan to accommodate your personal training clients.
When you invite an athlete to train with you in the 1:1 context, this provides direct messaging between you and your athlete, as well immediate feedback on their training activity. With invited athletes (or non-marketplace subscribers), you will be responsible for billing your athletes outside of TrainHeroic.
Note: Invited athletes will count toward your Coach Plan, as opposed to Marketplace athletes who do NOT count toward your Coach Plan.
If you're looking to grow your coaching business, we encourage you to consider coaching Teams or groups of athletes in addition to 1:1 clients.
Learn more about Marketplace, and how to leverage Teams to grow your online coaching business with the links below.
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