Including instructions for your athletes is key to their experience, including instructions for rep and weight ranges.
We do not currently support prescribing rep or weight ranges within the table, but you can include ranges in your programming with Exercise Instructions:
- Reference the rep range in the Exercise Instructions
- Prescribe a value at the top of the range
- Request your athletes to record the number of reps completed (or weight lifted)
Here's what that looks like:
Keep in mind, your athletes will always be able to record what they actually completed against what is prescribed - and this will also help you to see their modifications at a glance!
All modified prescriptions will be shown in yellow when viewed from their 1:1 calendar, with the original prescription crossed out (pictured below).
Related Resources:
- Creating Training Sessions
- As a coach, how can I program reps per side?
- How can I include RPE, tempo, rest, and unilateral movements in my programming?
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