Update the name that appears on your account, so that athletes know exactly who they're working with.
From your profile, you'll be able to update your name, email, and other personal account information at anytime. We recommend updating your account information from the mobile app, where you can also easily update a profile image.
From the mobile app:
1. Select "Account" in the lower left-hand corner, then "Settings" in the upper right
2. From Settings, select 'Profile'
3. From your Account, click into the First Name, Last Name or Email fields to make changes, then select 'Save.'
(If you get an error, you may have another TrainHeroic account under the same email address. You'll need to change the email on that account, before editing this one.)
What does that look like for my athletes?
"Coach [Last Name]" will appear in your athlete's invitations.
In this example, Rhonda's Last Name will appear in athlete invites and messages as "Coach Rinaldi from Friends Fitness." "Friends Fitness" refers to the Organization Name, covered HERE.
When connecting with you in-app, your athlete will see your profile image.
Your athletes will also see "Coach [Last Name]" when you program for them on their 1:1 calendar.
Your Full Name will appear in TH Chat.
If your athletes do not commonly address you by your First Name, you can remove your first name altogether. If you'd like to use your business name, remove your first name and include your business name as your Last Name.
In general, we recommend that you use your name (and a profile image of yourself). Connecting with you as a coach is part of your brand's identity, and will carry you further than your brand name and logo alone.
There's flexibility in how you "name" yourself or your account, keeping the above examples of how that appears from your athletes' perspective in mind.
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