Gain more control over your athlete's percentage-based programming within a cycle by testing or updating their working maxes.
Here we'll cover:
- How working maxes work with our system
- What happens when working maxes are changed through "testing" or manual updates
- Methods to "test" and update your athletes' working maxes
How do working maxes work in TrainHeroic?
A working max is the athlete's projected 1RM. As a coach, you'll be able to prescribe percentages which will pull directly from the athlete's working max.
This means that you can efficiently program for a group of athletes, while still supporting individual training goals.
Working maxes can represent an athlete's actual 1RM, but can also be estimated based on 15 reps or less. As long as an athlete has previously logged history for the exercise, they will have a working max.
What happens when working maxes are changed through "testing" or manual updates:
Once a particular movement is "tested" or manually updated, TrainHeroic will NOT adjust that athlete's max for that movement again, unless the movement is re-tested or manually updated. Testing allows you as the coach to have more control over your percentage based programming within a cycle, and between testing days.
If testing isn't part of your regular routine, and you'd prefer to have the athlete's working max automatically update as they train, you can bypass testing. We'll automatically update the athlete's working max as they train if the athlete has never been "tested."
There are a few ways to reset an athlete's working max:
1. Program a "Testing Session," to reset the athlete's working max and integrate testing directly into their programming.
When creating the session, select the three dot menu on the upper right and choose "Test this block."
This is an example of what a tested block may look like:
If you test something like 3, 5 or 10 reps, the system will use the data to estimate a 1RM based on the NSCA Load Chart.
2. Manually adjust an athlete's working max from the Athlete Account drawer:
3. Athletes can also adjust their maxes on their own.
Note: Estimated 1RM are calculated directly from the NSCA load chart, based on the best effort of 15 reps or less.
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