We recognize that it's important to you to be able to make updates for your athletes on their behalf.
This article will walk you through managing your athletes account via the Athletes tab.
The Athlete Account Drawer allows you to:
- Add/Remove Athletes to Teams
- Reset Working Maxes
- Edit Athlete Email
- Send Password Resets
- Adjust Unit Preferences (LBS TO KG)
How to access the Athlete Account Drawer:
1. Select the Athletes tab on the left-hand side of the page
2. Select the athlete who's account you would like to update
Pro Tip: You can use the 'Group' dropdown (shown above) to filter athletes by team, OR click on the magnifying glass in the upper right-hand corner to search for an athlete by name.
3. Click on the athlete's name to open the Athlete Account drawer (shown below)
The Exercises Tab will allow you to:
Search for a specific exercise to review an athlete's working maxes and review personal records, and update their working max
Circuits will allow you to:
- Review most recent Circuit history, and personal records (when Leaderboards are applied)
The Notes Tab will provide:
- A place to keep private notes for your athlete (only visible to you and your assistant coaches)
The Account tab will allow you to:
- Edit their email address
- Reset an athlete's password (this will send them a password reset email)
- Update preference from Pounds or Kilograms
- Add or remove athletes from Teams
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