Save time by saving Circuits to your Library, so you can reuse them for future sessions.
Saving Circuits to the Library will help you save time programming, and it will also help your athletes keep track of their history.
Below we'll cover how to:
- Create a New Circuit
- Save a Circuit to your Library for future use
- Edit saved Circuits from the Library
To Create a New Circuit:
From the Session Designer, select 'Add Block,' and 'New Circuit.'
To Save a Circuit to the Library:
Saving and reusing circuits are recommended for anything that you'll repeat later, including warm-ups, WODs and AMRAPs.
From the Session Designer, select 'Save Circuit to Library' just below the Circuit Details.
Before you 'Save,' be sure to:
- Name your Circuit (Ex. TrainHeroic Circuit)
- Adjust the Block Category (Ex. 'Prep')
- Include Circuit Details
- Apply a Leaderboard, if you'd like to track results (Ex. Results for 'Time')
- Add Exercise Videos for the individual movements
You'll see a drawer on the right-hand side of the page where you can edit the details of your Circuit and save.
Note: Your videos are attached to Exercises. If you would like to add a video to a Circuit for a movement that is not in the Exercise Library, you will need to create an Exercise first.
Now you can search for and re-use this Circuit when building a new Session, and you'll be able to track any progress for a single saved circuit with our Classic Benchmark Reports, found in 'Analytics & Reports.'
Edit Saved Circuits:
You will be able to edit your saved Circuits and Exercises at anytime from the Exercise Library.
Head to the Library, select 'Exercises,' search and select the Circuit (or Exercise) in order to open the drawer on the right for editing.
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