As a coach, you have the ability to view an individual's training session, create new sessions and even log for them directly from our mobile app.
Here we'll cover:
- How to select an athlete (or Team) calendar
- Making last minute adjustments to your athlete's training session
- Logging for an athlete
- Editing an athlete's logged session
Note: Your athletes will have the same editing capabilities on their end, too!
Choose an Athlete (or Team):
First, you'll want to download the TrainHeroic mobile app and log in using your coach login credentials.
Select the calendar icon from the app menu at the bottom of the screen and click on your profile image on the upper left to choose an individual athlete (or team).
Once you've selected a Team or athlete, here are the editing actions available to you in the mobile app:
- Reschedule a session
- Add a session from the Library
- Log on behalf of your athlete
- Add sets
- Swap exercises
- Add an exercise
- Create a new session
Rescheduling Sessions:
To reschedule a session, click on the 3-dot menu on the upper-right and choose Reschedule Session.
Or start logging a session that isn't scheduled for today and we'll ask if you'd like to move it:
Add a session from the Library:
Click the plus-sign icon in the bottom right, and select "Add from Library."
Click the "Add" icon next to the desired session. Then confirm the date, select the athlete or Team calendar(s) it should be added to, and click "Add to Calendar".
Log for your Athlete:
To log on behalf of your athlete or make adjustments to their session, click "Log for Athlete."
To add sets, click the + button below to any prescribed exercise table.
To swap an exercise or add an exercise to the session, tap the three dot menu next to the exercise title and make your selection.
When adding an exercise, search for the exercise(s), select the one(s) you'd like to add and choose Add on the upper right. OR select 'Create New Exercise' to create a new exercise.
Editing an athlete's logged session:
Much like your athletes, you'll be able to edit an athlete's completed session.
Simply select a training block from the session overview to re-open the logging view.
To edit the Readiness Survey, select the A training block, and swipe left. Scrolling down through the Readiness Survey will allow you to edit each readiness question.
To edit the Training Duration and Intensity, select the last training block in the session, and swipe right. Select 'Done Training' to return to the Session Summary.
Once on the Session Summary, you'll be able to adjust the intensity by moving the slider and duration by clicking into the Training Duration field. Select 'Finish Session' to close out the summary.
Your changes will automatically save as you edit your session.
To learn about creating new sessions in-app, head here:
Creating New Sessions on Mobile
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