Our team will be standing by to give you a spot, coach! But first, please check out our Frequently Asked Questions.
Q: How do I get connected with my athletes?
a. Inviting athletes is simple. Send them a 1:1 invite through "Invite Athletes" and we'll send them an email with 3 simple steps to get started.
Click HERE for more information on Inviting Athletes.
Q: Will there be any fee for my athletes to sign up?
a. There's NO fee for your athletes to get signed up.
Q: When can I start programming for my athletes?
a. Once a 1:1 athlete has been invited through the platform, they will appear on your "Invited" athlete list. You'll be able to begin programming for them right away on their 1:1 calendar. You can also start building out templates in the Library under Programs. We recommend keeping our programming best practices in mind. Resources below.
Q: Do program edits update for everyone who has the program?
a. Think of your Programs as a template. Updates to a Program in the Library will NOT update programming on an athlete's calendar. We encourage you to assign Programs to an athlete once they're complete.
Q: Can I transfer programs between athlete's calendars?
a. Yes! We encourage reusing programming to maximize your efforts. You'll be able to copy and paste between calendars, repeat sessions, create and copy template Programs. Resources below.
Q: How do I know that my client completed a session?
a. In addition to receiving notifications for completed sessions, you will also be able to review your athlete's completed session from their 1:1 calendar. From the session view, you'll be able to see what was logged against your prescriptions, and you'll also be able to view and reply to session comments. For longterm trends in readiness, volume, and intensity, we recommend checking out Analytics.
Click HERE for how to review results from the granular to big picture.
Pro Tip: When working with athletes 1:1, we recommend viewing the 1:1 calendar first to provide immediate feedback, before review trends through Analytics.
Q: What kinds of Notifications will I and my athletes receive?
a. As a coach, you'll receive notifications for your athlete's training activity, including when an athlete accepts an invitation, comments on a session, and completes a session. Notifications around activity will land in your Notification Center (bell icon) on web and mobile. You will also receive notifications for direct messages from your athletes, and these messages can be found in Messages on web and mobile (message icon). Your athlete will also receive notifications for published sessions, reminders to finish logging sessions, and messages from their coach.
Notifications can be adjusted at anytime. Click HERE for instructions to edit your notifications.
Q: How can I hold my athletes accountable and keep them engaged?
a. TH Chat will be your secret weapon for keeping athletes engaged and accountable. It's important to check-in with athletes regularly, and keep an open communication line. Both coaches and athletes will be able to exchange videos for form check, and general check-ins, send GIFs, photos, and react to messages.
Make TH Chat part of your daily routine. For more on TH Chat, click HERE.
Q: Can I do a "live" training session through TrainHeroic?
a. While we encourage you to lean on TH Chat and video exchanges to give you insight into your athlete's training, we understand you may want to take this one step further by conducting a "live" session. "Live" sessions aren't currently part of the TrainHeroic tool kit, but you can use other tools, like Zoom, FaceTime, or Facebook Live to connect with your athletes over video. If you'd like to log the training session for your athlete, you'll be able to do so from the mobile app. Resource below.
Q: Can I use TrainHeroic to coach on mobile, or just a computer?
a. While we encourage you to use the mobile app to get a better sense of the athlete experience, message athletes, and program on the fly, your most robust set of coaching tools will be exclusive to our website application. We recommend using a desktop or laptop computer, and running the latest version of Google Chrome for best performance. Coach Mobile resources below.
Still have questions after checking out the resources above? Please submit a request.
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