Set your default logging unit to lbs or kgs to view your training according to your preference.
Your profile will allow you to choose a default unit setting for weights. You'll also have the ability to switch on an exercise-level, should you need to.
Below we'll cover :
- How to adjust your lbs/kgs setting in your profile
- How to adjust the weight setting for a single exercise
Adjusting your weight setting on your profile:
1. Select Account, then select Settings
2. Select 'Profile'
3. Scroll down to find your Unit Preferences, make adjustments, and Save!
Adjusting your default logging unit will set your preference to lbs or kgs across all your training, but know that you'll be able to adjust by exercise within your training session too, if you need to.
Adjusting Between lbs/kbs for an Exercise:
If your default unit is kgs, but you would like to log your results in lbs, use the lbs/kgs toggle while logging a training block to adjust your unit for that particular exercise.
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