Creating training Programs in the Library helps you as a coach plan ahead, and save time by re-using programming.
Programs are not attached to any dates. In essence, you can think of a Program as a template, to be re-used, copied, and edited for years to come. They'll live in your Library, and you can assign copies to multiple Teams and athletes.
For example, you can create a 6 week strength Program, which you can then assign to individual athletes, or even groups of athletes.
Below we'll cover:
To Create a Program:
1. Go to Library
2. Select 'Create Program'
3. Give your Program a name
We also suggest choosing a Program length.
If you're not quite sure how long your Program will be or how many sessions per week, no sweat! Leave those fields blank:
4. Select 'Create Program' and begin programming
There's 2 important things to consider when creating a Program:
- Always begin programming on Day 1, Week 1
- Make sure the Program is complete before you assign it to a calendar
This ensures that when you assign the Program to a calendar and choose a start date, your athlete will see programming beginning on whatever start date you choose.
When you assign a Program to a Team or athlete calendar, you're giving them a hard copy of what's in the Library at that point in time. The benefit of this is that if you assign a Program to an athlete, and that athlete requires modifications, you can edit the copy of the Program directly on their calendar and that will NOT affect the original copy in the Library.
Assign your Program to a Team or Athlete from the web:
Once your Program is complete, you're ready to assign a copy to a Team or athlete's calendar.
1. Select a Team or athlete's calendar
2. Select the 'Add From Library' from the upper right-hand navigation OR "Add from Library" on the calendar
This will open up a drawer on the right that syncs-up with your Library.
3. Search and select your Program, then choose a start date to assign a copy of the Program to the calendar.
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